PGP: 6694 D8DE 7BE8 EE56 31BE D950 2BD5 824B 7F94 70E6
what made the success of Electrum is the ability to restore from seed
show vascular image
not saying it's bad, but bitcoin cannot exist if all users use these types of services. it makes bitcoin unstable, the consequence of hacks are bigger
gui, cli, passes tests
1 $bitcoin_cli generatetoaddress 1 $($bitcoin_cli getnewaddress)
2 $lncli getinfo
1 git clone [email protected]:spesmilo/electrum.git
2 cd electrum
3 git checkout lightning
1 alice="./run_electrum --regtest --lightning -D /tmp/alice"
2 $alice create
3 $bitcoin_cli sendtoaddress $($alice getunusedaddress) 1
4 $alice --server
1 bob="./run_electrum --regtest --lightning -D /tmp/bob"
2 $bob create
3 $bitcoin_cli sendtoaddress $($bob getunusedaddress) 1
4 $bob --server
alice opens channel, pays bob.
lightning dialog, closure, force closure
- to_local : after CSV
- to_remote : for them
- sent HTLCs : htlctx -> after CSV
- received HTLCs : if preimage then htlctx -> after CSV
- to_local : for them
- to_remote : for us
- sent HTLCs : we need preimagee
- received HTLCs : after CLTV
- to_local : before CSV
- to_remote : for us
- sent HTLCs:
- unspent : for us
- spent : before CSV
- received HTLCs:
- unspent : for us
- spent : before CSV
1 rm -rf /tmp/alice/ /tmp/bob/ /tmp/carol
2 $alice create > /dev/null
3 $bob create > /dev/null
4 $carol create > /dev/null
1 $bob setconfig lightning_listen localhost:9735
1 $carol setconfig watchtower_host
2 $carol setconfig watchtower_port 12345
1 $alice setconfig watchtower_url
2 $bitcoin_cli sendtoaddress $($alice getunusedaddress) 1
1 $alice daemon start --server
2 $alice daemon load_wallet
3 $bob daemon start --server
4 $bob daemon load_wallet
6 $carol daemon --server -v
1 bob_node=$($bob nodeid)
2 $alice open_channel $bob_node 0.15
3 # mine a few blocks
4 $bitcoin_cli generatetoaddress 3 $($bitcoin_cli getnewaddress)
1 request=$($bob addinvoice 0.05 "test")
2 $alice lnpay $request
1 channel=$($bob list_channels|jq '.[] | .channel_point' | tr -d '"')
2 ctx=$($bob get_channel_ctx $channel | jq '.hex' | tr -d '"')
1 request=$($alice addinvoice 0.03 "test2")
2 $bob lnpay $request
1 $alice daemon stop
2 $bitcoin_cli sendrawtransaction $ctx
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